Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Fight For Freedom My Parents - 2185 Words

The Fight for Freedom My wants had always seemed to take the backseat to my responsibilities, with my parents in the driver s seat. My schedule was planned and predictable: school, homework, dinner, chores, sleep and repeat. I felt like a robot with the controller in my parents hands instead of my own. My resentment towards my parents grew stronger with every passing minute. I no longer saw my house as a home instead a prison in which I was sentenced to. And to question their parenting strategies would have been my death sentence. I felt like because of my sex and the possibility that I could end up pregnant, even though I didn t have a boyfriend, the leash was held tighter. I was entering high school and my urge for freedom and†¦show more content†¦Silence filled the air as we moved through stop and go traffic. My father rolled the windows down and heat came rushing in. My father was obviously not concerned about how my hair would look with the wind blowing in. Trying my best to smooth out the tangles that have now appeared my patience was running thin. But it wasn’t until we got to the school parking that my dad said something to me. â€Å"Have a good day, and don’t talk to any boys† he said. I rolled my eyes and stormed away from the car and into the gates of freedom. It felt like I was coming up for air after being held underwater by my parents. Looking around the campus I had seen giants and lost puppies searching for their first class of the new school year. It was crowded like the stores on Black Friday. Eventually, I found my class and my two best friends, Nanci and Amanda. I hugged both of them like we haven’t seen each other in ages. We talked briefly about our summers and agreed to meet back at the hill at lunch. As I went through my first four classes my mind drifted away from me. I was stuck in quicksand of envy towards my friends. They had friends for parents who didn’t hold them back from being who they were. 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